01. Initial database search and CV screening
Initial database search and CV screening of candidates to assess experience. In many cases, our knowledge of the market place is such that the candidates will be known to us and can be contacted immediately, even before a computerized search has been performed. In cases where we have not been able to identify suitable candidates, we will post the position on our Web site, with Internet advertisers and targeted trade press.
02. Telephonic interview with suitable candidates
Telephonic interview with suitable candidates to assess availability, interest, salary expectations etc. Candidates interested in the position will then be fully briefed about the role, technical requirements, project objectives, culture of the organization and personalities involved.
03. Written tests
Written tests (wherever necessary) and interviews with short-listed candidates to prepare a panel for the client to conduct the interviews and make the final selection. Accurate, pragmatic assessment of candidates against the target vacancy, through a mix of best practice techniques.
04. Immigration & Visa Assistance
Being cognizant of the all the intricacies involved in an international recruitment procedure, we specialize in providing fast and dependable services. The experience gained by processing millions of travel documents guarantees to have your visa handled quickly (even overnight), accurately and professionally.